Saturday, December 28, 2013

3rd Stage of "Loveseat"

Roughing in the childrens' faces. A long way to go.

2nd Stage of "Loveseat" Painting

Sketch for "Loveseat" painting

Here is my sketch for the portrait I am doing of my grandchildren. Bill bought me oil paint for my birthdat, so I w ill be painting them in oils. Fun, exhilerating, scary as Hell. I haven't ever painted people very much, but it is never too late to learn something new.

The end of 2013

Were down in Alexandria, Virginia with Matt & Janna & their boys, all 6 of us from the D, and it is so great to be all together. We don't have to go back unti Monday. So weird to not be backgetting up at 5:45 am to go to work. Ther weather here is beautiful , sunny and chilly '